Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

100 Questions and Answers: Tora-Alice Nine

Q: Part?
Tora(To): Guitar
Q: Birthday?
To: 17 September
Q: Blood Type?
To: O (cocok dunk ama gw yang B)
Q: Height?
To: 182cm
Q: Weight?
To: Secret... (gw tau, lo endut bang, berat lo lebih dari 60kg)
Q: Foot Size?
To: 27.5
Q: School clubs you joined?
To: Swimming (pantesan lo tinggi)
Q: Part time job you had?
To: secret...
Q: favorite food?
To: curry..
Q: Least favorite food?
To: secret..
Q: What are you best at cooking?
To: secret...
Q: Favorite book?
To: secret..
Q: Favorite sport?
To: soccer..
Q: Favorite word or motto?
To: Secret..
Q: First CD you bought?
To: secret
Q: Why did you buy it?
To: secret
Q:Which band (or music) influenced you?
To:secret (tapi lo tergila-gila ama KoRn!)
Q: Favorite color?
To: Black
Q:Favorite movie?
Q:Favorite Number?
Q:Least favorite colour?
Q: Favorite Accesories?
To: Wolfman *Brand jepang gitu..*
Q: Favorite scent?
To: secret
Q: When you make up, firts thing you do?
To: Secret
Q: When you come home, first thing you do?
To: secret
Q: Your sleeping look?
To: secret
Q: Something you do before sleeping?
To: secret (tapi gw tau lo suka nonton TV)
Q: Average sleeping time?
To: 3 hours (ga sehat lo bang)
Q: A dream that had a affect on you?
To: Secret
Q: What you do when you can't sleep?
To: secret
Q: How many alarms does it to wake up?
To: 0 *gw aja butuh 3!!!*
Q: How long you take a bath?
To: 1 hours (sama!!)
Q: where do you wash first?
To: secret
Q: What kind of interior do you like?
To: secret
Q: What kind of fashion do you like?
To: secret
Q: Your ultimate relaxation time?
To: secret
Q: Your item that powers you up?
To: sake
Q: If you had ability to do anything?
To: drive
Q: If you had magic?
To: drive (kaga perlu pake sihir kali kalo mo belajar nyetir)
Q: If you had a million dollars?
To: go fly
Q: If you were on a island, one thing you would bring?
To: secret
Q: If you could re-born?
To: secret
Q: If you could take a long vacation?
To: secret
Q: If tomorrow was the last day?
To: secret (bilang aja lo mau ngelamar gw)
Q: If you had a time machine?
To: secret
Q: If you could be a girl for a day?
To: secret
Q: Do you have important items?
To; secret (gw kan?)
Q: What do you do on your day off?
To: secret
Q: Something that made you cry?
To: secret (pas bonyok lo dateng ke konser lo, lo pan nangis, bang)
Q: something that made you upset?
To: secret
Q: something that made you happy?
To: secret
Q:something that made you worry?
To: many things
Q: something you recently bought?
To: many things
Q: something you would do for your parents?
To: many things
Q: Longest time on phone?
To: 8 hours (gw kalah)
Q: Do you believe Jinx?
To: no
Q: What do you think is a Hero?
Q: When you were small, what did you want to be?
To: secret
Q; When you were small, what kind of kid were you?
To: secret
Q: Your favorite body part?
To: secret (your eyes!!!)
Q: Your least favorite body part?
To: many things (bibir ama idung lo maksudnya?hahaha)
Q: If you could be a colour?
To: Many
Q: If you could be an animal?
To: Tiger (iyalah..nama lo aje Tora)
Q: What kind of pets you want?
To: many (miara gw aja bang..)
Q: Biggest rival/dislike?
To: secret
Q: Something you want to try learn?
To: secret (jathilan..hahaha)
Q: What is your wish?
To: secret
Q: Your challenge?
To: secret
Q: Next hairstyle you want to try?
To: secret
Q: Somewhere you want to go in japan?
To: none
Q: Somewhere you want to go in the world?
To: none
Q: Someone you want to meet?
To: none (GW!!! PASTI GW!!!)
Q: Your favorite spot?
To: none
Q: Any habits?
To: Lots
Q: are you Outdoor or Indoor type? (lo kate dia lapangan?)
To: In... (pantes lo putih banget)
Q: What kind TV show you usually watch?
To: Lots
Q: What do you sing best in Karaoke?
To: I don't go (lo ngomong aja suara lo uda serem)
Q: Something embarrassing you'd like to forget?
To: many things
Q: You weak point?
To: none
Q: First time touching an instrumen?
To: secret
Q: Someone you respect?
To: secret (like me?)
Q: Anything you can't accept in the world?
To: secret
Q:When you first love? what kind of girl?
To: secret
Q: Do you thing your "cool"?
To: secret
Q: How do you stay healthy?
To: secret
Q: 10 years for now, how will you be?
To: be alive (amiinnn)
Q: What are you good at?
To: secret
Q: What is important to you/
To: secret
Q: What makes you happy about doing your work?
To: secret
Q: In interview, what do you want to be asked about?
To: secret
Q: What don't you want to be asked about?
To: secret
Q: What are good things about each members?
To: secret
Q: What can each members change about themselve?
To: secret
Q: which member is most handsome?
To: me (akh..aku tertohok)
Q: What did you do as a kid?
To; secret
Q: Any fetish?
To: Scents
Q: Are there you think "only I'm like this"?
To: secret
Q: Message to your fans?
To: thank you (sama-sama bang...)
Q: Message to your members?
To: good job!
Q: Finally, how you are feeling in one word?
To: I'm not good at doing 100 questions (DARITADI LO CUMA JAWAB SECRET AMA NONE MULU!!!!)

1 komentar:

  1. Om Toraa nyebeliin ih !! -.-
    Privasi penting banget ya om sampe segitunya -.-
